The following references were used in the preparation of this site.  This site was created as an assessment item for 'Supportive Learning Environments' (EDED 20455) by Natalie Arthur, a student at CQ University currently completing a Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching.  

Ashman, A. & Elkins, J. (2008), Education for Inclusion and Diversity (3rd Ed), Frenchs Forest. N.S.W.: Pearson Education Australia. 

Ashley, S (2007)’The Asperger’s Answer Book: The Top 300 Questions Parents Ask’, Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, Illinois, USA.

Attwood, T, (2009) ‘Is there a difference between Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism?’ Resource papers, extracted on 6 April 2010 from

Attwood, T (2011), Q&A Asperger’s Syndrome - online interview, extracted on 7 April 2011 from Asperger Services Australia at

Commission on Behavioural and Social Sciences and Education (CBASSE), (2001) ‘Educating Children with Autism’, National Academy Press, Washington, USA extracted on 6 April 2011 from

Foreman, P. (2001) ‘Integration and Inclusion in Action’ (2nd Ed), Nelson Thomson Learning, Victoria

Grandin, T. and Duffy, K. (2004) ‘Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism’.

Autism Asperger Publishing Company, Shawnee Mission, USA.

Krause, K.L., Bochner,S., Duchesne, S. & McMaugh, A. (2010) ‘Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching’ (3rd Ed), Cengage Learning Australia.

Miles, P. G. (2003) ‘Don’t Just Stand There, Yell Something!’. McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd.

Powell, S. (2000), ‘Helping Children with Autism to Learn’, David Fulton Publishers, London.

Purnell, K. (2011), EDED20455: Supportive Learning Environments - Online Courseware, CQ University, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia, extracted in April 2011 from,

Wilczynski, S.M., Edwards, R.P., Rabian, B. (2002) ‘Decreasing Disruptive Behaviours of children with Autism using Social Stories Dorothy Scattone’,  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol 32, No 6, 2002 P 535-543, extracted on 7 April 2010 from